We understand the difficulties your teen is facing
The teen years can be a source of confusion – not only for teens, but for parents as well. Our staff has extensive experience analyzing and managing the many troubles that teens commonly face. From depression and ADHD to substance abuse, we’ll help you find answers.
Determining the appropriate response can be difficult. There are many factors involved in coming to a complete and accurate conclusion. We’ll work closely with your teen to ensure all the factors are considered. If you ever have questions, we’ll be there to address them for you.
Various treatment solutions
We offer treatment in the way of specialized programs, rehabilitation courses and medication when necessary. You will be informed before any major changes or action is taken. It is our top priority to ensure that we remain transparent and maintain open communication at all times.
We specialize in mental health and substance abuse concerns. We will gladly refer you to the appropriate professional should we be unable to provide the level of support your teen needs.